The Jewish Kids Club is a series of events for children taking place over the course of the school year. All dates are tentative until you see a flyer with a link to RSVP! You can register for JKC events here. For CTeen JR. (for middle-schoolers), click here.

Below is our lineup of events in the coming year. More details will follow closer to each event.

September 22: Shofar Factory - Watch an animal's horn be turned in to a shofar! Each child also goes home with a shofar of their own!

October: Join our community Sukkot and Simchat Torah celebrations!

November 10: S'more Challah Bake! 

December: Join our community Chanukah celebration!

February: Tzeddakah Fun Day!

March 2: Annual Hamentash Bake! 

March 13-14 Join our community Purim celebrations!

April 6: Matzah Factory! Take part in the process of making Matzah, from grinding the wheat kernels to forming the Matzah dough!

May: Join our community Lag B'Omer celebration!